


Serednev V.A.

Title of article

Polygraph tests in criminal proceedings: arguments against


The problems of legal science and law enforcement practice: young researchers’ view

Issue, year

4 (34) 2015


The use of polygraph tests in obtaining evidence in criminal cases is evaluated. Throughout the history different mechanisms for exposing liars were invented. The history of polygraph since its creation to the present day is investigated. The views of scholars in the field of criminal procedure regarding the mechanism of its work are studied. Basing on the results of the analysis of different scholars’ opinions, the author comes to the conclusion that polygraph can’t determine the accuracy of the information. It’s not a scientific means of combating false testimony of the accused and suspects. Analyzing the mechanism of polygraph’s action, the author concludes that the use of polygraph in criminal proceedings is inadmissible. It’s proved that the basis for using polygraph to check the accuracy of the testimony is the misconception that the deviation of physiological reactions of human body “depends on the sense of fear experienced by the person being asked the questions he cannot answer truthfully without putting himself at risk of conviction”. Besides, the use of polygraph is contrary to the principle of evaluation of evidence by internal belief. It’s argued that polygraph test doesn’t provide obtaining objective knowledge about the circumstances of the crime committed (collecting, checking and evaluating evidence of guilt and innocence of the person), because it implements the accusatory bias against the tested person. Any technical device, justified by scientific research, can be applied by an expert, therefore, the use of polygraph is admissible while conducting expertise. Participation of psychologist is necessary to obtain an expert opinion, that requires a separate study.


polygraph, lie detector, studies, lie, evidence, information, criminal proceedings.


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