


Naduev M.N.

Title of article

The peculiarities of applying the concealment of the identity as a security measure at the stage of checking the reported crime


The problems of legal science and law enforcement practice: young researchers’ view

Issue, year

4 (34) 2015


The article examines recent changes in the criminal procedure legislation, allowing to implement the provisions on concealment of the identity at the stage of verification of reported crime. The main contradictions and problems associated with the implementation of new provisions are outlined, ways of their solution are proposed. Particular attention is paid to the complexity of classifying the persons at the stage of reporting crime. The gaps in the legislation concerning the consideration of anonymous statements are indicated. Various ways to solve these problems are proposed. It’s proposed to create a system of compulsory registration of anonymous statements and carrying out their appropriate checking within the framework of criminal proceedings before starting verification of anonymous statements and subsequent concealment of the data about the applicant.  Full data about the anonymous applicant should be known only to the person conducting the verification, and must be stored according to the rules of secret proceedings. Further, if the facts stated in the application are confirmed and criminal case is initiated, the applicant may acquire the status of a victim or witness and his re-classification is not required. To minimize the number of persons having access to the information on persons who are subject to security measures, it’s proposed to establish a specific procedure for registration of such statements and to exclude the possibility of transferring the materials and criminal cases from one investigator to another. It’s important to prevent negative impact on the applicant if it was decided to refuse to initiate a criminal case.


security measure; concealment of the identity4 verification of reported crime.


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