


Vvedenskaya O.Yu.

Title of article

Characteristics of leaving traces while committing internet crimes


The problems of legal science and law enforcement practice: young researchers’ view

Issue, year

4 (34) 2015


Internet possibilities, along with the social relations development, generate the phenomenon of Internet crime. Considering Internet crime characteristics is one of the means to combat it. It’s noted that such characteristics are reflected in the elements of the criminalistics characteristics of Internet crimes, that allows to distinguish them from crimes in the sphere of computer information. Classification of Internet crimes is given. The most common crimes committed over Internet today are identified and analyzed by the author in order to determine the peculiarities of leaving traces while committing them. The characteristic features and elements of leaving traces while committing Internet crimes are defined. The necessity of classifying Internet crimes as separate type of crimes is substantiated. The value of the results of the research for criminalistics and combating the analyzed type of crime is underlined. It’s established that the main elements of the trace pattern of Internet crimes are “information traces”. Their content is described. It’s noted that such traces are poorly studied by criminalistics. It’s stressed that information traces can’t have their evidentiary value in isolation from their form and environment – without virtual traces, which are also new to criminalistics. Basing on the research results, Internet crimes are divided into groups according to the characteristics and the mechanism of their commission. The traces of Internet crimes, the characteristics and the mechanism of leaving such traces, possible places of their detection are determined. It’s emphasized that the mechanism of leaving traces while committing other Internet crimes is similar to the group considered in the research.


Internet, crime, trace, mechanism, criminalistics.


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