Author |
Dizer O.A. |
Title of article |
The problems of transporting the persons being drunk in public places and having lost the ability to move independently to medical organizations by police |
Section |
Improving law enforcement practice |
Issue, year |
4 (34) 2015 |
Abstract |
Federal law “On police” provides the right of law enforcement officers to transport the persons being under the influence of alcohol, narcotics and/or other drugs in public and unable to move independently and/or navigate in the environment to medical organizations. This measure is not the primary activity of the police. It is aimed at countering the increase of alcohol abuse and alcoholism among the population and implemented by the following police units: patrol police, divisional inspectors, juvenile inspection, road patrol service of the State Inspection for Road Traffic Safety. Since the abolition of medical sobering-up stations in the Russian Federation, the service whose main task was to counter alcohol abuse and alcoholism has stopped its functioning. Currently, only those persons who need specialized medical care can be placed in a medical institution. If there are no medical indications for providing medical assistance in a hospital, offenders under the influence of alcohol are transported by police officers to the dispatch centers (police control centers) of the territorial bodies of the MIA of Russia. In these circumstances the problems concerning the further stay of the transported persons arise. Today, taking into account the urgency of the issues concerning the prevention and suppression of violations of anti-alcohol legislation and gaps in federal legislation, there are some attempts to create the specialized institutions whose main task is to transport and accommodate the persons being drunk in public places in some of the subjects of the Russian Federation. |
Keywords |
transporting the persons being intoxicated in public places to medical organizations or police stations, medical sobering-up stations. |
References |
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