Author |
Mayorovа S.A. |
Title of article |
Forms of participation of citizens in maintaining public order and ensuring public safety |
Section |
Improving law enforcement practice |
Issue, year |
4 (34) 2015 |
Abstract |
Voluntary participation of citizens in maintaining public order and ensuring public safety is an important component of civil society. The topical scientific-theoretical problem related to this is the classification of forms of such participation. The classification of citizens’ participation on various grounds testifies to the diversity of its forms. The legislator distinguishes the following forms of citizens’ participation in public order maintenance: 1) assistance to internal affairs bodies (police) and other law enforcement agencies; 2) participation in the search of missing persons; 3) freelance cooperation with police; 4) participation in the activities of public associations of law enforcement focus. The criterion for this classification is the sphere of the activities of citizens for the protection of public order and forms of their interaction with law enforcement agencies. The analysis of normative legal acts and law enforcement practice allows to conclude that aside from the above mentioned legislative approach, many other classifications of citizens’ participation in public order protection are possible. The following classifications of forms of participation are substantiated: 1) depending on the number of citizens participating in public order maintenance and ensuring public safety – individual and collective forms of participation; 2) depending on the nature of imposing authorities – the right of citizens to participate in protecting public order and ensuring public safety and the duty of citizens to participate in protecting public order and ensuring public safety; 3) depending on the practical implementation of participation in maintaining public order and ensuring public safety – actual and indirect participation of citizens. |
Keywords |
public order maintenance, citizens, police, law enforcement agencies, classification, public safety. |
References |
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