


Mashovets A.O.

Title of article

On obtaining judicial evidence under the procedure of judicial review during pre-trial proceedings


Criminal рrocedural review

Issue, year

4 (34) 2015


The problematic issues arising during obtaining judicial evidence under the procedure of judicial review are studied. Different theoretical approaches regarding the procedure of judicial review during pre-trial proceedings are presented. The legal positions of the higher courts of the Russian Federation fixing the inadmissibility of restrictions on constitutional rights of participants in the proceedings without sufficient factual grounds are examined. By implementing the procedure of judicial review a judge should ascertain the presence of such grounds. The specific features of establishing factual circumstances to be proved within the framework of preventive judicial review are analyzed. It’s summarized that during the subsequent judicial review the facts to be proved must be checked, especially if the subject of judicial review is the decision to terminate a criminal case on non-rehabilitating grounds. The need for the institute of investigative judges (judicial investigators) in pre-trial criminal proceedings is supported. This form of judicial review should be transformed into a judicial procedure of termination of criminal case (prosecution) on non-rehabilitating grounds during pre-trial proceedings. The progress and results of proving in criminal procedure, carried out within the framework of the subsequent judicial review, are reflected in the court record. The court record drawn up while implementing judicial review is the proof. The facts established in the course of judicial review may have evidentiary value at the trial stage of the proceedings. Potentially, judicial review can become a means of formation of judicial evidence, which should be accepted by the court of first instance without further verification.


criminal procedure, judicial evidence, judicial review, pre-trial proceedings.


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