Author |
Kachalova O.V. |
Title of article |
Perfect time for consideration of the criminal case with the pre-trial agreement on cooperation concluded |
Section |
Criminal рrocedural review |
Issue, year |
4 (34) 2015 |
Abstract |
Consideration of a criminal case in respect of a person who has concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement, allocated in a special procedure, before consideration of the main criminal case concerning the accomplices of this crime, often leads to the fact that the courts establish the actual circumstances of the same crime differently and give them different criminal legal assessment. It requires a revision of the sentence which already came into force. Depending on specific circumstances of the case, tactics of the investigation and other relevant circumstances, the criminal case concerning the person who has signed pre-trial cooperation agreement, may be: 1) allocated into separate proceedings and considered in a special procedure after considering the main criminal case concerning the accomplices of the crime in a general procedure; 2) considered in a general procedure together with other accomplices, but with the application of the provisions of articles 62, 64 of the RF Criminal Code that mitigate this person’s responsibility. In case the courts passed different sentences concerning the criminal cases on crimes committed in complicity, the revision of one of these judgments is required. The revision of court decisions involving the cases with pre-trial cooperation agreement concluded, in case the court adopts another decision in respect of accomplices, is possible only according to the rules of Chapter 49 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code (new and newly discovered facts). The circumstances leading to abolition of a sentence are not a consequence of significant violations during pre-trial and judicial proceedings, they relate to a completely different category. |
Keywords |
рre-trial agreement on cooperation, special procedure for the adoption of a judicial decision, revision of the judgment, allocation of the criminal case, the accused. |
References |
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