


Iogolevich N.I., Iogolevich V.A.

Title of article

Prevention of professional victimhood as a component of higher education



Issue, year

4 (34) 2015


The role of higher education in formation of anti-victim behavior is examined. The possibilities of preventing criminal victimhood by means of higher education got by the representatives of social and economic professions that aren’t initially considered dangerous (doctors, teachers, managers, social workers, etc.) are revealed. It’s argued that it’s necessary to formulate the tasks aimed at formation of anti-victim behavior in some disciplines of the basic educational programs of higher education. Distinguishing victimological competence in its purest form is arguable. From the position of competency-based approach the individual professional anti-victimhood is presented as anti-victim competency of the subject of professional activity, and its components are anti-victim competences. The methodological basis for this is the theory of integral individuality by V.S. Merlin as a large self-regulating and self-actualizing system consisting of individual properties and individual nature of the relationship between them. Hierarchical levels of such system include: 1) a system of individual characteristics of the organism, 2) a system of individual mental characteristics, 3) a system of social and psychological characteristics. Identifying the structure of anti-victim professional competency, its components and interrelations with multilevel characteristics of the integral individuality allows to establish and describe in more detail the anti-victim professional competences of future specialists that should be formed at higher education institution. Making changes to federal state educational standards, extending the content of competences that form, in particular, anti-victim professional behavior of future graduates should be the result.  Formation of these competences is simultaneously prevention of professional victimhood included in the educational process of implementing new generation educational standards.


victimization, the victim, victimological prevention measures, professional training, competence approach, competency, competence, antivictimological competence.


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