Author |
Bolgova V.V., Novopavlovskaya E.E. |
Title of article |
Ensuring the balance between public interest and privacy by means of the constitutional legal proceedings |
Section |
Human rights protection |
Issue, year |
4 (34) 2015 |
Abstract |
At the present stage of legal practice and law-making development, the limits of realization of rights and freedoms of man and citizen (both individual and collective) often depend on the nature and degree of public interest. At the same time the judiciary, including the RF Constitutional Court, are obliged not only to specify public interest, but also to determine the hierarchical relationship between public and private interest, admitting the possibility of restrictions on private life in the public interest. Such restriction is possible only to the extent permitted by law, in compliance with the legitimate objective, appropriate to democratic and legal foundations of the Russian society. Otherwise, we can’t exclude the possibility of transforming the constitutional values, including fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, into certain convention, the tool to solve common tasks, the scope and list of which isn’t defined. Some vectors of the relationship of public interests and private life are considered. Modern approaches typical of the practice of judicial balancing, confirmed by the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the RF Constitutional Court, the RF Supreme Court, are analyzed. The statistical data concerning the practice of constitutional legal proceedings are provided. The main problems in the field of constitutional and legal policy of the state in the studied area are identified. Some proposals on improving the Russian legislation are made. The conclusion about the need to change the balance between private and public means of legal regulation in the sphere of ensuring privacy is made. |
Keywords |
public interest, private life, restrictions, limits, constitutional legal proceedings, judicial normative control, judicial balancing. |
References |
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