


Meško G.

Title of article

Contribution of professor Alexander Makletsov to the establishment and development of slovenian criminology


Methodology of law enforcement activities

Issue, year

4 (34) 2015


The scientific and pedagogical contribution of Professor Makletsov to the establishment and development of Slovenian scientific criminological school as well as his biography are considered. A brief characteristic of his scientific papers is given. The scientific and theoretical foundation created by professor is presented. It’s argued that his works on criminology haven’t lost their relevance today, after almost a century since their publication. The bibliography of Alexander Makletsov includes more than 120 works (books, scientific reports, articles, reviews, etc.) published in different languages. It’s stated that Professor Makletsov is primarily a researcher in the field of criminal law, specializing in issues concerning the subjective side of corpus delicti. His participation in preparing a fundamental work of the People’s encyclopedia of scientific and applied knowledge is emphasized. In one of its chapters he outlined his views on the substantive and procedural criminal law. The value of the substantive regulations is mainly determined by the efficiency of their implementation procedures, insufficient attention to which (the procedure of sanctions implementation) paralyzes the entire mechanism of criminal legal regulation. The first Slovenian textbook on Criminology (1947) designed for law students became the result of professor’s many years work. The provisions of the textbook remain relevant today, as they encourage contemporary students to reflect on the causes and factors of criminal behavior. Consequently, Professor Alexander Makletsov is recognized as one of the founders of criminology as an academic discipline in Slovenia and Yugoslavia.


Alexander Makletsov, criminological science, criminal law, Slovenian criminology.


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3. Luchovnik Kh. Aleksandr Makletsov [Alexander Makletsov]. Zhurnal kriminalistiki i kriminologii – Journal of Criminalistics and Criminology, 1958, no. 9 (1), pp. 293-302. (In Slovenian).

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