The majority of the administrative legal relations arise as the result of the commission of lawful, that is, not violating the requirements of administrative legislation, actions by the subjects. However, a number of administrative legal relations arise as the result of the violation of administrative legal norms, the default of administrative legal regulations. Administrative-delictual legal relations arise out of unlawful conduct. The author of the article investigates the root cause of the emergence of administrative-tortious relations, namely, the defects and gaps in the administrative legal consciousness, forming a balance between lawful and unlawful behavior. The degree of the influence of administrative legal awareness on the administrative-delictual behavior, as well as the interdependence of administrative legal consciousness and the state of administrative tortiousness, are analyzed. It is argued that achieving a high level of administrative legal consciousness will allow to stabilize the state of administrative delinquency. Developing the point of view of I.A. Ilyin about the public legal consciousness as a kind of spiritual essence, the collective consciousness that made it possible to unite the people into the state, the author of the article examines the content of the administrative legal consciousness of the state