

Belkin A.R.

Title of article

Procedural problems of confrontation


Section 7. Criminal рrocedural review

Issue, year

3 (33) 2015


The issues of the procedural regulation of confrontation as a complex investigative action are considered. Different opinions on the right of criminal proceedings’ participants to demand conducting of confrontation from investigator are provided: from the admitting of this right to considering the decision of conducting confrontation as a prerogative of investigator. The existing and expired criminal procedural legislation regulating the confrontation is analyzed. The refusal of some old normative provisions is regarded as debatable. The problem of interpreting the concept of importance of contradictions is raised. The nonidentity of differences and contradictions of evidence is argued. The problem of comparing (in order to find contradictions) the evidence of one participant and other participant’s refusal (evasion) of giving evidence is considered. The proceedings’ participants who can be involved in confrontation (except those having witness immunity) are the following: persons who used their lawful right to refuse to give evidence and experts (with the possibility of conducting confrontation between them). The problem of minors’ participation in confrontation is considered. The proposal to prohibit conducting of confrontation (for ethical reasons) contradicts the legislative permission to conduct it (Article 191 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code). It’s proposed to make reference to the rules of conducting confrontation (stipulated by the Articles 187, 189 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code) in the Article 192, which allows to avoid unnecessary repetitions and show the unified approach to conducting of confrontation and questioning. New wording of the Article 192 of the RF Criminal Procedure Code is proposed.


investigative action, confrontation, criminal proceedings’ participants, giving evidence.


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