Submission Guidelines


General information

The scientific paper (an article, review, commentary) is submitted to the editorial board via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in rtf, doc, docx file format. The submitted scientific paper should be topical, original, objective and valid, completed and reliable, possess the research novelty, have practical and theoretical significance, correspond to the focus and scope of the journal, as well as its requirements.

The submitted manuscript should be accompanied by the application for its publication. The application is signed by the author. The application is submitted to the editorial board in two forms: 1) a file in the rtf, doc, docx format and 2) the original document or its graphic copy.

All fields of the application form are subject to mandatory and accurate filling.

Language editing is necessary before submitting the paper. Translation of some parts of the text into English should be literate to ensure that the academic content of the paper is fully understood by English-speaking scientific audience.

The submitted scientific paper and the application are accepted for consideration by the editorial board only in case the author (authors) provide all necessary documents properly prepared in accordance with the instructions.


Article Preparation Guidelines

1. The submitted manuscript should be presented in a scientific writing style and meet the requirements of structuredness, thoroughness and logic of the argument, terminological accuracy. The manuscript should be accompanied by the necessary tools: references to the legislation, acts of the official interpretation of law, law enforcement practice materials, scientific literature, statistical, information and analytical and other data confirming the scientific validity of the author’s conclusions. The sources referred to by the author should be accessible and verifiable.

2. A large amount of citations of scientific literature (not more than ¼ page), normative acts and materials of law enforcement practice, including judicial practice (not more than ½ page), as well as the author self-citation (not more than 20% of the total number of sources in the reference list) is unacceptable.

3. The structure of the submitted scientific paper should include introduction, main part, conclusions and reference list.

4. The introduction should set the tone of the paper by providing a clear statement of the study and the proposed approach or solution. It should provide the nature of the problem under investigation and its background. The results section should detail the main findings and outcomes of the study. The results section should provide a numbered list of the conclusions of the study.

5. Authors are responsible for checking the accuracy of all figures, facts, quotations, footnotes, references and other information contained in the paper.

6. The length (without metadata and reference list) of a scientific article should not be less than 8 pages and should not exceed 16 pages (from half up to one author’s sheet). The length of a scientific review should not exceed 8 pages (up to half author’s sheet). The author’s sheet is 40,000 characters, including spaces.

7. Authors should print their manuscript in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman font, size - 14 pt, line spacing - 1.0 (single), top margin - 20 mm, bottom margin - 20 mm, left margin - 25 mm, right margin - 25 mm, indentation - 1.25 (formatting by using the tab key and the spacebar are not allowed), text alignment – width.

Graphs, diagrams, photos, drawings and other graphic illustrations should be made by using the stroke fill, numbered and additionally represented as separate files in jpg format in black and white with image resolution of at least 300 dpi. Graphic files are named by the number of the figure or table in the text (“Figure 1.jpg”, “Diagram 3. jpg”).

8. The first word of the title of the paper is typed in capital letter, the rest of the words in lowercase (with the exception of proper names, commonly used abbreviations, etc.). The title should be concise but informative. It should correspond to the scientific style of the text, contain the main keywords characterizing the subject of the research. It should be a brief phrase describing the contents of the paper, easily perceived by readers and search systems. The title should be limited to 12 words or less.

9. The manuscript should contain the reference list including no more than 20 sources, as well as its translation into English. Legislative and other normative legal acts should not be included in the reference list. Information about them (full name, edition, source of official publication) is specified as the author’s notes.

In the text, citations should be indicated in square brackets by the sequence number of the source in the reference list and the page the author refers to (for example: [2, p. 46], [3, p. 48; 7, p. 25]).

References to the contribution of a well-known author to the studied question are allowed by indicating in brackets his (her) name and the year of publication of the relevant work, for example: (Korkunov N.M., 1882).

The journal uses the numbered citation (citation-sequence) method. References are listed and numbered in the order that they appear in the text.

10. The author’s notes are issued as footnotes (*).


 Application for Publication

1. The application is in tabular form (the form is available on the journal website).

2. It is required to fill all elements of the application form: manuscript title (in English and Russian); author information: surname, name, patronymic (middle name) (in English and Russian); academic degree and academic title (in English and Russian); Open Researcher and Contributor ID – ORCID (if available); contact details (telephone number, email address); place of work: full name and postal address of the organization (in English and Russian); present position (in English and Russian).

3. Abstract (in English and Russian):
The abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory. It should present the manuscript content briefly and accurately, include the description of the main topic, problem, object and goal of the research, indicate the general scope of the article, point out major findings and conclusions, as well as their significance and practical value. The abstract should summarize the manuscript content in 80-150 words.

4. Keywords (in English and Russian) are chosen from the text of the paper. They should reflect the discipline, theme, goal and object of the research. The recommended number of keywords is from 5 to 7, the number of words inside the key phrase should not be more than 4.

5. Information about the contribution of each author, if the manuscript was drafted by two or more authors (in English and Russian).

6. In the application, the author confirms the information that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, as well as the information about checking the material, numbers, facts and quotations for compliance with the source. The author also confirms the absence of conflict of interest and accepts the terms of the license agreement.

7. The application is certified by the personal signature of the author (authors).



License Agreement

 Dear authors!

We inform you that submitting the text of the article for publication (hereinafter, the Work or the Licensed Material) by the author (hereinafter, the Licensor) via contact email addresses contained on the “Contacts” page of the official website of the journal “Legal Science and Law Enforcement Practice” (hereinafter, the Journal) is regarded as:

1. The intention of the Licensor to publish this Work in the Journal on a royalty-free basis.

2. Guarantee of the Licensor for having the exclusive copyrights to the original Work being submitted.

3. Familiarization and consent of the author with the Journal’s publishing policy, submission guidelines and the provisions of the license agreement concluded with all the authors on the same terms.

4. Proposal (offer, Part 1 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) of the author to conclude the license agreement to grant the rights to use the Licensed Material under specified terms and conditions by the Licensee (Tyumen Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation).



Rights granted to the Licensee:

1. The right to reproduce and share the Licensed Material (publication, public display, duplication, importation, translation, replication or other reproduction of the Licensed Material) without the circulation limit. In this case, each copy of the Licensed Material must contain the name of the author of the Licensed Material.

2. The right to distribute the Licensed Material in any way.

3. The right to revise the Licensed Material (creating a new, creatively independent work on its basis) and the right to make changes to the Licensed Material that do not constitute its revision.

4. The right to public use of the Licensed Material and displaying it for information, advertising and other purposes.

5. The right to make the Licensed Material available to the public through a variety of methods of access.

6. The right to communicate the Licensed Material to the public by cable.

7. The right to partially or fully assign the rights obtained under this agreement to third parties on contractual terms without paying the fee to the Licensor.

8. The right to reproduce the Licensed Material in electronic form as a part of databases, reference legal systems, other databases.


 License terms:

1. Character: non-exclusive.

2. Arising: from the date of concluding the license agreement.

3. Period: equal to the term of exclusive rights.

4. Validity: in the Russian Federation and abroad.

5. Termination: only by concluding an additional agreement to terminate the license agreement.

6. Royalties: are not paid, the author (including co-author) is provided with one copy of the print version of the journal containing the published article or, at his request, with an electronic edition of the issue (PDF) sent to the email address specified in the application.

7. Responsibility: in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. Disputes and disagreements: through negotiations, in case of their ineffectiveness they are considered in a court.