

Kaznachey I.V.

Title of article

The efficiency of the use of technical means of communication when obtaining information of evidentiary value


Section 12. The problems of legal science and law enforcement practice: young researchers’ view

Issue, year

2 (32) 2015


The relevance of developing the procedure for seizure of information about subscriber connections and (or) cash flows on accounts in banks and other credit organizations of a participant in criminal proceedings is shown. Its essence is that the investigator, with the consent of a participant in criminal proceedings and in conjunction with him (her), uses computer equipment connected to a telecommunication network the Internet to obtain information about his (her) connections stored in the electronic database of the service provider. The problem of carrying out the remote seizure of information with the consent of its owner by using technical means of communication, characteristic for law enforcement activities, is stated. The possibility of referring to the new procedural form, namely the remote seizure of information about subscriber connections and (or) cash flows on accounts in banks and other credit organizations by technical means of obtaining information, carried out with the consent of criminal proceedings participant, is analyzed. Procedural fixing of using technical means of communication when carrying out the seizure, optimization of the activities of persons engaged in preliminary investigation, obtaining information of evidentiary value by using modern technical means are predicted. Each of the considered problems requires its own understanding, at the same time remote obtaining of information implemented in law enforcement activities is outside criminal procedure regulation. It’s summarized that using technical means of communication for seizure of the above mentioned information, carried out with a participant in criminal proceedings’ consent, has the prospect of becoming independent investigative action.


seizure, evidence, technical means of communication, withdrawal, information (data), subscriber connections.


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