Author |
Silchenko V.V. |
Title of article |
The efficiency of state protection of participants in criminal proceedings from the impact of organized crime |
Section |
The problems of legal science and law enforcement practice: young researchers’ view |
Issue, year |
4 (30) 2014 |
Abstract |
Illegal impact on victims and witnesses has acquired “epidemic” character and is the most dangerous form of counteraction to crimes investigation and solution. Based on his own experience of ensuring the safety of persons being the subject to state protection, the author proves the relevance and usefulness of such security measures when investigating the crimes committed by organized criminal groups (particularly grave and especially grave crimes). The problem of lack of confidence of participants in criminal proceedings in their own safety and their close persons’ safety is considered. Often the police officers themselves negatively affect this situation in case they don’t know how to implement the professional solutions in ensuring these persons’ security. A direct connection of public trust in the police with their ability to provide security of criminal proceedings participants is proved. The most effective security measures are: temporary placement in a safe place, personal protection (bodyguard), home and property protection. The mass media role in covering the positive results of law enforcement agencies activities on applying security measures for criminal proceedings participants and their close relatives is shown. The expediency of applying appropriate security measures for crimes committed by organized groups and criminal networks is emphasized: 1) it contributes to the realization of the criminal law objectives and principles, minimizes the possibility of avoiding criminal liability by criminals by unlawful impact on participants in criminal proceedings; 2) confidence in one’s own and close people’s safety favorably affects criminal investigations and excludes refusals to participate in criminal proceedings. |
Keywords |
countering criminal violence, organized crime, state protection of participants in criminal proceedings, security measures, protected persons |
References |
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