Author |
Ponomaryov E.P. |
Title of article |
Efficiency of probationer servicemen correction: search for the criteria |
Section |
Penitentiary system |
Issue, year |
4 (30) 2014 |
Abstract |
The efficiency of probationer servicemen correction is estimated in the context of the task of saving military personnel. The fact of probation is proved not to be the absolute ground for dismissing a serviceman. Serving in the Russian Armed Forces of probationer commanders, who must require from their non-convicted subordinates to observe the Constitution and the laws, is considered inadmissible. The estimation of efficiency of probationer servicemen correction is exercised according to such criteria as: the number of probation reversals with the following real service of sentence; addition or reversal of probationer servicemen’ obligations; reversal of probation due to probationer’s good behavior and discharge of obligations; continuation of probationer contract employees’ service. It is proposed to introduce new criterion for estimating correction of probationer servicemen – presence (absence) of authority punishments stipulated by service regulations of the Russian Armed Forces. The absence of punishments or the presence of encouragements can indicate that a serviceman has discharged the obligations imposed by court fairly and executed orders of military unit’s command. The author proves the reasonability of establishing additional obligations charged by servicemen’s approval (which cannot be executed toward civilians) to rise the efficiency of probationer servicemen correction. They are: participation in operations on destroying gangster squads; release of hostages; conducting rescue activities; taking epidemiological, anti-gas and radiative measures directly in the centre of destruction. |
Keywords |
probation of servicemen, imposing obligations on a probationer serviceman, criteria of probationer servicemen correction. |
References |
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