


Imanov I.A.

Title of article

The system and effectiveness of acts of prosecutor’s supervision in fight against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Comparative studies and foreign experience

Issue, year

4 (34) 2015


The characteristics of the system of legal acts of the Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is constituted of acts of prosecutor’s supervision and acts regulating the issues of organization and activities of Prosecutor’s office is given. It’s argued that an indicator of efficiency of the prosecuting authorities’ activities is the quality of issued legal acts. The acts of prosecuting authorities are considered in their relation to the prosecutor’s supervision over execution of laws on combating corruption. The existing experience of the most effective acts of supervision is analyzed. It’s noted that the protest as prosecutorial supervision act is one of the most efficient forms of prosecutor’s response to violations of the current legislation of Kazakhstan. It’s shown that acts of prosecutor’s supervision is the most obvious form of  communicating information related to the problems of observance of law in a particular area to the public, physical and legal persons. In order to complement the theoretical material by empirical data, some examples of the survey of employees of the central apparatus and territorial divisions of the prosecuting authorities of Kazakhstan are given. It’s concluded that the prosecutor’s explanation of the law content should be equated with the official interpretation. It’s proposed to toughen officials’ responsibility for repeated poor quality examination or ignoring prosecutor’s acts, as well as to supplement Article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Prosecutor’s Office” by the grounds for revoking the acts of response and to clearly define the categories of acts which need obligatory approval.


corruption, prosecutor’s office, acts of prosecutor’s supervision.


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